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Kandahar Hijacking ic 814

On December 24, 1999, an Air India flight, IC 814, traveling from Kathmandu to New Delhi, was hijacked by five terrorists. The hijacking of this flight, often referred to as the Kandahar Hijacking, became a turning point in international aviation security and remains etched in the history of global counterterrorism efforts. This article explores the IC 814 hijacking in detail, from the initial events to its aftermath, shedding light on its broader global implications.

The Hijacking of IC 814: A Step-by-Step Account

Flight IC 814, carrying 176 passengers and 15 crew members, departed from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu at 4:10 PM local time. Shortly after entering Indian airspace, the flight was hijacked by five masked men armed with knives, pistols, and grenades. The hijackers, later identified as members of the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, took control of the cockpit and diverted the aircraft from its intended route to Lahore, Pakistan.

The initial demand was for the aircraft to land in Lahore, but Pakistan refused permission, prompting the hijackers to divert the flight to Amritsar, India. Indian authorities, grappling with the situation’s gravity, delayed refueling the aircraft, hoping to buy time. However, after several hours, the hijackers grew agitated and forced the pilots to take off again, eventually landing in Dubai, UAE.

In Dubai, the hijackers released 27 passengers, including a pregnant woman and a few children, but the ordeal was far from over. The plane was then flown to Kandahar, Afghanistan, where the Taliban, then in control of the city, became involved in negotiations. The presence of the Taliban added a complex dimension to the unfolding drama.

Demands of the Hijackers and Negotiations

Upon reaching Kandahar, the hijackers presented their demands to the Indian government. They called for the release of 36 militants imprisoned in India, a ransom of $200 million, and the return of the body of a deceased terrorist. After intense negotiations, the list was reduced to three prisoners: Maulana Masood Azhar, a key leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed; Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who was later implicated in the killing of American journalist Daniel Pearl; and Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, a commander of Al-Umar Mujahideen.

Negotiations were arduous, with Indian officials facing immense pressure both domestically and internationally. The Indian government had to balance the safety of the hostages with the potential consequences of meeting the terrorists’ demands. As the days passed, the hijackers’ impatience grew, and the threat of violence loomed large over the passengers and crew members.

The Decision: A Controversial Exchange

On December 31, 1999, after seven days of intense negotiations, the Indian government decided to release the three militants in exchange for the hostages. The decision was widely criticized by many in India and globally. While it saved lives, it also emboldened terrorists, highlighting the vulnerabilities in global counterterrorism strategies.

The released militants returned to Pakistan and resumed their militant activities, further destabilizing the region. Maulana Masood Azhar went on to form Jaish-e-Mohammed, which later orchestrated several attacks on Indian soil, including the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh continued his involvement in terrorist activities until his arrest in 2002.

The Role of International Players and the Taliban’s Involvement

The involvement of the Taliban in the Kandahar hijacking negotiations is significant. As the de facto government of Afghanistan, the Taliban offered safe passage to the hijackers and facilitated the negotiations. The Taliban’s stance during the crisis highlighted its connections with various militant groups, raising concerns about state-sponsored terrorism.

Pakistan’s role was also questioned. While the Pakistani government denied any involvement, the hijackers’ association with Pakistani-based terror groups and their demand for the release of militants held in Indian jails pointed to a more complex geopolitical scenario. The Kandahar hijacking thus underscored the challenges of dealing with terrorism in a region where state and non-state actors often overlap.

Security Measures and International Responses

The IC 814 hijacking prompted significant changes in aviation security protocols worldwide. The incident exposed vulnerabilities in airport security, especially in South Asia, leading to stricter passenger screening and the introduction of air marshals on several international flights.

International organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), urged member countries to strengthen their aviation security protocols. India also took several steps, including enhancing airport security, creating a dedicated anti-hijacking policy, and equipping special forces to handle such situations more effectively.

Impact on India-Pakistan Relations and Global Terrorism

The Kandahar hijacking strained relations between India and Pakistan. India accused Pakistan of harboring terrorists and providing a safe haven for militant groups. This incident added to the existing tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbors, further complicating the geopolitical landscape in South Asia.

The release of key militants like Maulana Masood Azhar had far-reaching consequences for global security. Azhar’s activities post-release, including forming Jaish-e-Mohammed, underscored the growing nexus between terrorist organizations and their state sponsors. The hijacking became a case study in how terrorist groups leverage hostages to achieve political and ideological goals.

The Legacy of the Kandahar Hijacking

More than two decades after the IC 814 hijacking, its legacy continues to resonate in the annals of global counterterrorism. The incident is a stark reminder of the complexities of dealing with international terrorism, where political, military, and diplomatic dimensions intersect. It also highlights the need for robust international cooperation in counterterrorism efforts, emphasizing the importance of intelligence-sharing, diplomacy, and coordinated action.

The hijacking of IC 814 remains a vivid example of the challenges democracies face in negotiating with terrorists. While the decision to release militants saved lives, it set a precedent that continues to impact counterterrorism policies worldwide. The incident reinforced the notion that terrorism is a global problem requiring a concerted international response.

Conclusion: The Need for Vigilance and Preparedness

The Kandahar hijacking of IC 814 remains a pivotal moment in the history of global terrorism and aviation security. It serves as a powerful reminder of the ever-present threat posed by terrorist organizations and the importance of vigilance, preparedness, and international collaboration in combating such threats. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of modern terrorism, the lessons from IC 814 must not be forgotten.

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